søndag den 3. februar 2013

Princess Mirror-Belle - By Merit

The tittle of the book: Princess Mirror-Belle

The author of the book: Julia Donaldson

Level: 3

The book is about:
Ellen looks in a mirror. Suddenly a girl come out of the mirror. Her name is Mirror-Belle and she looks like Ellen, but she is mirrored. Mirror-Belle makes trouble, but when Ellens mother comes, Mirror-Belle go back into her mirror, and Ellen gets in trouble every time.

I will give the book 3 stars, because it was funny, but I am missing a bigger problem.

5 words from the book: 

 Specielt/ Især
(en) Pakke
1) I was delighted, because it was firs time I could do it!
2) They was very happy, particularly the little boy.
3) It is my property, not your!
4) It is a very big parcel.
5) "Is that really true?", I exclaimed.

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