søndag den 3. februar 2013

Sharks - by Gustav

Title: Sharks

Author: Jan Wiese

Level: Easy

The book is about: the book about: Many thing on White Shark, Hammer Sharks, Red Sharks and many other sharks, there are also a little history there act
on a man there be bitten in hes leg.

I give book: 3,5 stars because man get many things on Sharks

Five words from the book: 1 themselves=demselv 2 weapons=våben 3 jewellery=smykker 4 extinction=udslættelse 5 ocean=havet

The five words in sentence: 1 It was themselves 2 They have man weapons 3 She have many jewellery 4 It is extintcion 5 There are many whater in the ocean.


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