tirsdag den 19. marts 2013

Halloween - read and reviewed by Kirstine og Nanna.

Title: Halloween.
Author: Benni Bødker.

Level: 2 easy.

The book is about: A girl named Lucy. She is having a halloween party with her mom and dad for thiers new neighbours, but their is something wrong with the new neighbours.

Stars: we`ll we give the book 3 stars, because the begining it is not so exiting, but when you are comming in to the middle, it is more exiting.

5 words from the book:
1) Devilish - djævelske.
2) Removel van -  flyttebil.
3) Crooked - skæv.
4) Stained - plettet.
5) Rather poor - dårlig

The five words in a sentence each:
1) The most devilish do not get a gift.
2) The removel van helped my famely to move.
3) The house was crooked.
4) The dog was stained.
5) the boy characters was rather poor.  

Nanna og Kirstine.

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