mandag den 18. marts 2013

Vampires in the woods 1 - read and reviewed by Nikolai K

Title: Vampires in the woods 1

Author: Lene Fauerby

Level 3: Medium

The book is about: Mark and his freind John and their class are going to
scotland. When they come to scotland they go to a big wooden cabin.
The next day they gonna play vampire and orcs. Mark is a knight he runs
into the woods. suddenly he is lost and alone. He hears a sound and sees
two girls behind him. The girls tell him that one of them is a prinscess and they want him to save them from the orcs. He goes with them and suddely they girls bite him in his neck becouse they girls are vampires. When his wake up he is a vampire.

Stars: 3 stars because the book was exciting


When i stood up i got dizzy.
She kiss my cheek.
My cat has claws.
I have eatin mayne meals today.
I was in a camp last summer.


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