torsdag den 31. januar 2013

The first horse show - read and reviewed by Luna

Title: The first horse show

Level: 2 - easy

The book is about: A girl whu like to ride. She shell to her first horse show.

Stars: one stars, because it was a little boring.

horse - hest
ride - ride
happy - glad
welcome - velkommen
parks - parker

The words in sentences:
I love my horse he is so cute
Ride is so cool i love ride
Diana is verly happy she have birstay
"Welcome to this years show jumping
my mom parks the car.

By Luna

My Baby-sitter (made by Elvira)

The title of the book: My Baby-Sitter                            
The author of the book: Pamela Rushby

Level: Medium

The book is about: It's about a family where the father and mother were in town, but the dad thougt the mother had booked baby-sitter and the mother thougt the dad had booked a baby-sitter. They quickly needed to find someone that could look after the children and they found a the lady. The children think she looked like a vampire. But  they end playing cards and become really good friends.

I've give the book 3 stars, because: it is not so good book and there happens not so much.

5 words from the book:

in english:      in danish:

1  Opportunity-Mulighed

2  Crumpled-Krøllet

3  Unbelievable-Ufattelig


5  Educational-Opdragelse, belærende

The five words in a sentence each:

1)  He missed the opportunity to do it.

2)  Crumpled clothes must be ironed say the girl

3)  The are almost entirely unbelievable

4)  Why am i the onlu one who is pathetic

5)  It was really an enlightening course

Spooked! by Marie

1) The title of the book: Spooked!
2) The author of the book: Mary Hooper

3) Level 1-5: 4: Difficult

4) The book is about: There are a man and a woman there will buy Gary and Jenny's house so Gary and Jenny do it spooked...

5) Stars 1-5 and why: I will give the book 5 stars because then was willy good.

6) 5 words from the book:
Rusty- rusten= he going out of the rusty front gate.
Grabbed- gribe= he grabbed the telefone and ring.
Obviously- iøjnefaldende= he is obviously crying.
Meeting- møde= we have never meeting someone.
Such- sådan= such we do it.

7) Your name: Marie <3

Half a horse - read and reviewed by Nanna

The title of the book: half a horse
The author of the book: Kirsten Hansen
Level: 1 very easy
The book is about: A girl named Sarah. She wants to buy her favorite
horse Donna ,beacuse the girl who has Donna will sell it, but Sarah
doesent have money. 
Stars: I give the book 3 stars, beacuse the book are good, but little bit to easy
5 words from the book:
1) Notice board - opslagstavle
2) Filly - hoppe
3) Piggy bank - sparegris
4) Friendship - venskab
5) Pay - betale
The five words in a sentence each:
1) Their are many pictures on the notice board
2) My horse is a filly
3) I have many money in my piggy bank
4) We have a beautiful friendship
5) You have to pay the telefon repairs

tirsdag den 29. januar 2013

Harry Potter and the philophers stone - by Emma

Title: Harry Potter and the philophers stone

Author: Joanne K. Rowling

Level: 3 - 4

About the book: A boy whos name is Harry Potter. He lives with his uncel Vernon, aunt Petunia and  cousin Dudley. A day he got a letter from Hogwartz - school of wichcraft and wizardy. On the route to Hogwartz he meed Ron Weasly, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom and Draco Malfoy. The headmaster of Hogwartz is Albus Dumbledore, when Harry become to be good friends with (but not with Malfoy).

Stars: I'll give the book 5 stars because i´ts a good book and I love the way she write the book.

Arguing - Skændes
Seeker - Søger
Invisibility - Usynlig
Horror - Gys/Uhyggelig
Weasly Jumper - Weasly Sweater


Me and my mum arguing

"I´ll would like to be a seeker in Quiddich"

I am invisibility

Uf that was a horror history

We got a Weasly jumper

Kimura the way of the will - read and reviewed by Alfred

Title: Kimura the way of  the will.

Author: Benni Bødker.

Level: 2 easy.

The book is about: A boy withs name is Kimura. He and a children army. Is going to safe some childrens. From some camps.

Stars: I give it 3 stars because its good but some pages is boring.

Five words:
1 attack in danish angribe.
2 fighting in danish kæmper.
3 guards in danish vagter.
4 cyborgs in danish menneske maskine.
5 soldiers in danish soldater.

Five sentences:
1 They attack the army.
2  They are fighting against the army.
3  The guards is not figthing
4  The cyborgs are dangerous
5  The soldiers is having guns

The islands of gods - read and reviewed by Carlos

The title of the book: The islands of gods

The author of the book: Lars Holmgaard Jørgensen

Level: 3 medium

The book is about:  three chrildren have been given to the gods on the island. the biggest of the chrildren name is Wolf there are also to girlds Ethel and Down. Down has a cat. there are not gods on the island there are bears. there are some other chrildren who also have been given to the gods they have been eaten by bears. the book is about if the chrildren came away from the island.

I give the book 4 stars, because: It´s the best english book i ever had reed.

5 words from the book:                                                        
The island = øen
Bones = ben/knogler
Water poof = vandtæt
Escape = slippe fri
Drift ashore = drive i land

The five words in a sentence each:
1) All in the village are scared of the islands of gods

2)All people have bones

3) He has a waterpoof jacket

4)he didn't escape from the bear

5) they drift ashore 

torsdag den 24. januar 2013

A crocodile ate my homework, by Aisha

The title of the book : A crocodile ate my homework.
The author of the book: Pamela Graham.

The book is about: A boy meeting a crocodile on the way to school. He crawled up in a tree and droped his bag. When he came to the school, he said to the teacher "A crocodile ate my homework". The teacher think it´s wrong. The boy shows his class the crocodile, but it there. The next day he looked in the newspaper and saw a picture of the crocodile on the same place he showed his class yesterday. He showed the class the picture of the crocodile and the he became a hero.

Stars: Three stars because it´s not so good and it´s not bad. It´s medium, but it was a little bit boring.

5 words from the book:
Disappeared- Forsvundet
Pinched- Klemt
Reinforcements- Forstærkninger
Investigate- Undersøge
Creatures- Væsner

The five sentences:
1) He has disapeared out in the blue
2) The peoples were very pinched
3) I think we want a reinforcements
4) I will investegate it
5) It is two very pretty creatures.

Made my Aisha ☺
Mystery in the celler read and reviewed Nikolai K

The title: Mystery in the celler

The author: Jim Højberg

Level 3: Medium

The book is about: Johnny dreams that his girlfriend
Margaret will be killed. The next day Margaret
move to a old house. Johnny, Harry and Margaret find out there are somehing in the celler in the old house!

Stars: 4 stars because the book is very exciting and very scary.


I glided down the stairs.
I want revenge.
He hid the money.
Forgive me.
My dad is mad.

A real princess, by Mathilde.
Title: A real princess.
Author: Bodil el jørensen.
Level: 2 easy.
The book is about:
One princess there is wild as too a teacher there must wil learn the princess to be a real princess.
Stars: 3, becuse it okay but is a little boring.
Shouting- Råber
Tower- Tårn
Hides- skjul
Seeks- Søge
Experienced- Erfaren
Peter shouting always.
No one ever goes to tower numkber three.
She locks them up in the basement and hides the key.
King seeks a woman teacher.
She is very experienced.

Trapped by Marie

1) The title of the book: Trapped
2) The author of the book: Frances Usher

3) Level 1-5: 4- difficult

4) The book is about: Kim and she's family are in a boat. Kim fall down in the water...

5) Stars 1-5 and why: 1 because then was boring.

6) 5 words from the book:
Lifejackets- redningsvest= we should have lifejackets on.
Trapped- sidde fast= i'm trapped so help me.
Lifeboat- redningsbåd= there came a lifeboat and help you out.
Shaking- ryster= i shaking at the hole body.
Brave- modig= i'm not brave.

7) Your name: Marie. BD

onsdag den 23. januar 2013

Girl trouble

Title: Girl trouble
Author: Janet Slater Bottin
Level: 2 (easy)
This book about Joel and Tracey, Tracey is the new girl in class and she loves dog.
Sometimes play Tracey with Joels dog Max. There are also the though guys they tease the other kids.
Someday see the though guys Tracey play with Joels dog and is not good!!
Stars: 3 because  it was a good book and i understand all, but somtimes is was a little boring.
1) Asthma - astma.
2) Trouble - problemer.
3) Told - sagt/fortalt.
4) Library - biblotek.
5) Cried - græder.


1) My dad has asthma.
2) I am in trouble help me.
3) Sorry i have told Sara about your secret.
4) Will you go to the library with me?
5) I cried because my dog is dead.

Punk rocker from Hell read and reviwed by Asta

Punk rocker from hell

The author of the book: Kate Barry

level: medium

The book is about: Jasson. one day Jasson's mum have a punk haircuts and Jasson was scarry. Jasson's mum will out and by milk ,but Jasson will dont have ath mum go out whit this day Jassin go in school and after school Jasson and he freinds go home to thJasson. now the freind skall home and they will say godbey Jasson's mum but Jasson say " oh no this is the end" and so the freind go home. 2 min. afther the boy go in to mum and father and sea ath the punk hair was a wig!

I give the book 2 stars , because it was not so fun.

Five words from the book:


In English:

In Danish:




Over my dead body


Over min død









The five words in sentench:

1 )But all the others boys in my class have haircuts.
2) “I will kill your mother” “over my dead body”
3) do you buy a wig?
4)my and my mother have a row last week.
5)Give me one good reason

tirsdag den 22. januar 2013

Sunday the 13th. the return, by Louise

Title: Sunday the 13th. The return
Author: Stephen Gard

Level: 3 - Medium

The book is about: Bugley had so much fun at he's birthday that he wanted to rewind time and do it all again... So he invented a time shifter. Now he and he's freind Lisa have vanished....

Stars: 3 stars, because it was not so funny. :-)

Vanish - Forsvinde
Horror - Skræk
Truck - Last bil
Hill - Bakke
Belt - Bælte

She's vanish into the air
I looked at each other whit horrer
My dad had at truck
I toboggan down at the hill
I got a new belt


The Black Knight - read and reviewed by Nicolai A

Title: The Black Knight

Author: Per Østergaard

level: medium

the book is about: a boy who went to a castle. he went to a maze. there was a black knight

i will give the book 2,50 stars because the book is not so good

The five words:
Knight: Ridder. The black Knight
black: sort. there are black
food: mad. i love food
me: mig. i am me
grabs: griber. i grab a book

Officially Dead - read and reviewed by Anna

Title:Officially Dead
Author: Richard Prescott
Level: 6 Very Hard     

This Book Is About: Colin And Julie Who Is Owning a IT company.
They Are married and love each other, Colin is in London to doing work.
he is meeting John and Linda Fenton, John has been in prison because of
jewellery robbery, now hes out of prison him and Linda is planing a robbery more. colin decide to help them with the robbery. but he came out for a accident and die. His wife Julie is worried about him, and ask the police about help. Julie looking for him and while she doing that, Linda and John is planning the robbery...

Stars: 4 Stars becausel, I'l think it was a little bit to easy to me, but it was very exciting and good, and got a lot of new words:-)

5 Words In English: Past, Thieves, Cry, Dead, Alive
The Words  In Danish: Fortid, Tyve, Græde, Død, I live

Sentences: You shouldnt look in the past, Take care of the thieves, Are you crying?, You are a dead man, I'm still alive


Hugs and Horror read by Kirstine:)

  • Title: Hugs and Horror.
  • Auther: Dorte Roholte.

                                                      The book is about:

               A girl named Sara. She is working on a cafe. One day she is becomming too late, so she has to run by the dark wood. In the middle of the wood there are standing an old man and look on her. It show that her friend Louise also have seen the old man.

  •    Stars: I will give the book four stars because it is exiting and you dont now what there are going to happend.

                                                  5 words:                           In danish:

                                         1: Spareroom.                            Gæsteværelse
                                         2:Slept in.                                  Sovet længe
                                         3:Steer.                                      Styre
                                         4:Perhaps.                                 Måske
                                         5:Mess.                                      Sjuskede

                                                   The 5 words in a sentence each:

           1: I will show you the spareroom.
           2: "Whats the clock" "elleven, you have slept in"
           3:Help me i have steer in a tree.
           4: Perhaps you should have by a red too.
           5: I cant read it,you have mess.


The Ants' party - read and reviewed by Gustav

The title of the book:
 The Ants' party.

The author of the book:
Nick Beare

 is a very easy book

The book is about:
 Ant is going to a partyn with a hat but it is begyns to raining and then it is very good to have a hat

I we'll give the book one star becausecit is to easy
5 words:garden have
prizes pris
shepes former
worry plage plage
wearing have på

the 5 words in a sentence each
I go aut to the garden
it's prizes is very high
there are many shepes
i have a big worry
søren is wearing small hat

tirsdag den 15. januar 2013

My baby sitter: creature of the night - Read and reviewed by Marie

My baby sitter: creature of the night!!!

The auther of the book: Pamela Rushby.
Level: 4 difficult.
The book is about: Luke and her sister Rosies's mother and father should go to have a dinner but they dont have a baby sitter. But they found a baby sitter.......
Stars: 2 because then was boring.
5 words from the book:
Anniversary= bryllupsdag- my mother and father has anniversary to day.
Argued= diskutere- i argued with my parrents.
Brussels sprouts= rosenkål- i love brussels sprouts.
Recognice= genkende- She cant recognise me.
Huddle= uorden- there are huddle in my room.


Turkish Delight read and reviewed by Alfred

Author: Wendy Macdonald

The title: Turkish delight

Level: 2 easy

About: Tony is on hes paper round. When a boy whit red cap tryes to give tony many problems. But mr. Rasim dont like that and say if he do it again he will call the police. And he give tony turkish delight. A day tony was coming to mr. rasim house and tony could not find mr. rasim, but then he find him laying in hes garden.

Stars: I give it 3 stars because ti exiting sometime but sometime is not so good

Five words:
number 1: Turkish in danish: Tyrkisk
number 2: Delight in dansh: Fornøjelse
number 3: Red cap in dansih: Rød kasket
number 4: Round in danish: Runde
number 5: Paper in dansih: Papir

Five sentences:
number 1: turkish it what the speak in turkey
number 2: Its a delight to read this book
number 3: The red cap layed on the floor
number 4: The boxing round is finish                                                            
number 5: The paper is wet

mandag den 14. januar 2013

Skiing Death reviewed by Nikolai K

Title:Skiing Death

Author:Jim Højberg

Level 3: medium

The book is about: A boy called Johnny who has a nightmare. He dreams that he and his freind Harry
meet a skeleton that wants to eat them.
The next day he and harry are skiing.
Johnny find out that the dream is maybe true!

Stars: 4 stars becouse the book is very exciting


I rushed down the mountain.
I nodded to my mon.
I agree with my dad.
We boil some pasta.
I am hoarse.


Well done, Faruk - read and reveiwed by Nanna

Title: Well done, Faruk

Author: Mogens Lyhne 

Level 2:  Easy

The book is about: A boy there has seen two thieves there robbing a house. He has to call the police, but the two thieves have seen him.

Stars: stars, because the book is exciting

Thieves - tyve
Plumbing - blikkenslager
Expensive - dyrt
Silly - fjollet
Jelly - gummi

1) the two thieves have robbing a house
2) the two plumbers will com today
3) that dress was very expensive
4) you are very silly
5) this candy tasted a jelly