Title: Harry Potter and the philophers stone
Author: Joanne K. Rowling
Level: 3 - 4
About the book: A boy whos name is Harry Potter. He lives with his uncel Vernon, aunt Petunia and cousin Dudley. A day he got a letter from Hogwartz - school of wichcraft and wizardy. On the route to Hogwartz he meed Ron Weasly, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom and Draco Malfoy. The headmaster of Hogwartz is Albus Dumbledore, when Harry become to be good friends with (but not with Malfoy).
Stars: I'll give the book 5 stars because i´ts a good book and I love the way she write the book.
Arguing - Skændes
Seeker - Søger
Invisibility - Usynlig
Horror - Gys/Uhyggelig
Weasly Jumper - Weasly Sweater
Me and my mum arguing
"I´ll would like to be a seeker in Quiddich"
I am invisibility
Uf that was a horror history
We got a Weasly jumper
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