torsdag den 31. januar 2013

My Baby-sitter (made by Elvira)

The title of the book: My Baby-Sitter                            
The author of the book: Pamela Rushby

Level: Medium

The book is about: It's about a family where the father and mother were in town, but the dad thougt the mother had booked baby-sitter and the mother thougt the dad had booked a baby-sitter. They quickly needed to find someone that could look after the children and they found a the lady. The children think she looked like a vampire. But  they end playing cards and become really good friends.

I've give the book 3 stars, because: it is not so good book and there happens not so much.

5 words from the book:

in english:      in danish:

1  Opportunity-Mulighed

2  Crumpled-Krøllet

3  Unbelievable-Ufattelig


5  Educational-Opdragelse, belærende

The five words in a sentence each:

1)  He missed the opportunity to do it.

2)  Crumpled clothes must be ironed say the girl

3)  The are almost entirely unbelievable

4)  Why am i the onlu one who is pathetic

5)  It was really an enlightening course

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