onsdag den 23. januar 2013

Girl trouble

Title: Girl trouble
Author: Janet Slater Bottin
Level: 2 (easy)
This book about Joel and Tracey, Tracey is the new girl in class and she loves dog.
Sometimes play Tracey with Joels dog Max. There are also the though guys they tease the other kids.
Someday see the though guys Tracey play with Joels dog and is not good!!
Stars: 3 because  it was a good book and i understand all, but somtimes is was a little boring.
1) Asthma - astma.
2) Trouble - problemer.
3) Told - sagt/fortalt.
4) Library - biblotek.
5) Cried - græder.


1) My dad has asthma.
2) I am in trouble help me.
3) Sorry i have told Sara about your secret.
4) Will you go to the library with me?
5) I cried because my dog is dead.

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