tirsdag den 29. januar 2013

The islands of gods - read and reviewed by Carlos

The title of the book: The islands of gods

The author of the book: Lars Holmgaard Jørgensen

Level: 3 medium

The book is about:  three chrildren have been given to the gods on the island. the biggest of the chrildren name is Wolf there are also to girlds Ethel and Down. Down has a cat. there are not gods on the island there are bears. there are some other chrildren who also have been given to the gods they have been eaten by bears. the book is about if the chrildren came away from the island.

I give the book 4 stars, because: It´s the best english book i ever had reed.

5 words from the book:                                                        
The island = øen
Bones = ben/knogler
Water poof = vandtæt
Escape = slippe fri
Drift ashore = drive i land

The five words in a sentence each:
1) All in the village are scared of the islands of gods

2)All people have bones

3) He has a waterpoof jacket

4)he didn't escape from the bear

5) they drift ashore 

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